
March 13, 2024

Discounted Registration for Athro Training Courses

One of the challenges of taking external training like mine is the cost. To that end, I'm developing a toolkit that provides the support students need to get buy-in from their organizations - a justification letter, an email template, etc. I'll make a separate blog post with links once they are ready. 

However, that only helps if your organization recognizes the overall value of training - in other words, you have access to funds, and I just need to convince you (and you need to convince your boss) to spend them with me.

But not everyone has that luxury. So I'm happy to announce that, effective immediately, I'm offering discounted registration to Athro training courses. I don't want the sheer financial burden to put off people who would otherwise attend, and contribute to, my courses, and from whom I and the other attendees can learn in turn. 

The fine print: 

1. If you are unemployed, underemployed, are changing professions, have no corporate support for training, are transitioning from the military, or are located in an economically developing region, you can name your own price, with no questions asked. I have to do this manually, so reach out to me at

2. This generally will only apply to Athro-developed training like my RIM Playbook Workshop. With training I license from other providers, such as AIIM, I have specific fixed costs I have to charge. I'm working on some ways to offset that, like scholarships etc. - watch this space.

In any event, if you're strongly interested in any of my courses, but don't have the money or support, reach out to me and let's talk. 

Solution providers: If you're willing to offer scholarships, I'm willing to talk about ways we can work together to get your message out in a way that supports the learning process. Again, ping me at

H/T to R. Jason Cronk for the idea. 

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