October 3, 2024

How to Build a RIM Playbook Part 7 - Reviewing and Finalizing the Plays

In the previous installment of this series, we talked about how to draft the plays. The next step is to review the plays for accuracy and completeness. All the way back in Part 1, I noted that the playbook needs input from more than just the person or team building it. Information management is a team sport, and some plays will be performed or reviewed by other teams such as IT, legal, privacy, risk management, etc. 

While we want to review each play in detail, the two most important parts to review for most plays are the RACI / roles and responsibilities, and the resources. This is because many plays will include participants who are not part of the core RIM team and/or require activities the RIM team is not as familiar with. 

Roles and responsibilities

In practice, during the drafting process you'd identify the draft roles and responsibilities and then have the individuals or teams in those roles review the contents of "their" play(s). Recall that RACI stands for: 

  • Responsible - the role that actually does the work of executing the play. 
  • Accountable - the role that ensures that the play is executed.
  • Consult - the role(s) that are impacted by the play or contribute to it in some way. 
  • Inform - the role(s) that are not directly impacted, but need to be apprised of the execution of the play. 
In the previous article, we used the "Send Boxes to Offsite Storage" play as an example. The RACI for that play looks like this: 
  • Responsible - Records analyst
  • Accountable - Records manager
  • Consult - Offsite storage vendor
  • Inform - Records owner
But let's say that in your organization, you use records coordinators, and you expect them to have a bigger role in that process. You'd probably want something more like this: 
  • Responsible - Records analyst
  • Accountable - Records manager
  • Consult - Records coordinators, offsite storage vendor
  • Inform - Records owner -or- perhaps nobody. If the records coordinators are already involved in the process, that might be sufficient. 

Any play that involves roles outside the RIM team, such as IT, should be reviewed by those outside roles to make sure that the play is accurate and to identify any references and resources they use. It's important to confirm with them that they recognize their role in the play including timelines, outcomes, and deliverables. They should also confirm whether they are in fact the right role for a particular responsibility - after all, IT isn't "IT", it's enterprise architecture, and software developers, and help desk, and network engineers, etc. 

References and resources

References and resources include any documentation used to execute a play. We discussed these in detail in Part 3. As a reminder, these include: 

  • Existing procedures
  • Flowcharts and process maps
  • Checklists and guidelines
  • Troubleshooting guides
  • Templates
  • "Cheat sheets"
  • Quick start guides
  • Training materials
  • Lists of frequently asked questions
  • Job descriptions
  • Reports
  • Scorecards and dashboards 

This seems like a lot, and for a traditional SOP manual it would be. But we're linking to these, not including them in their entirety. I'd rather err on the side of including resources to make it as absolutely simple as possible for whomever is executing the play. 

In the example play above, the process flowchart, inventory sheet templates, policy, etc. are probably developed and owned by the records team, so they already have all of the resources listed for the play. But as we discussed in Part 4, there may plays where the documentation is significantly out of date or missing. During the review process, you'd want to determine that, as well as whether any informal documentation exists, or what other references and resources are being used to actually execute the plays. Again, having coordinators can really be helpful here. 

It's important to include references owned by other teams where applicable. For example, a play to monitor broker/dealer communications for a financial services company will likely refer to risk management/compliance policies and guidance. A play for handling a separated employee's information will probably need to include references from HR as well as IT. 

We'll talk about timelines and scheduling in a later post, but it's absolutely critical to communicate to those reviewing the plays the importance of being thorough. The review process doesn't work if it doesn't get done, or if it's along the lines of a 2-minute review and a "Yeah, that looks good" response. 

At the end of this step you should have your final list of finalized plays, either built using your tool of choice or ready to build or load into it. 

Next up: Part 8 - building the (optional) introduction and appendices. 

I teach a workshop on how to build playbooks. The next public course is scheduled for December 3 and 10, 2024. You can find more details about the course and approach at https://athroconsulting.com/?page_id=981

I also build RIM and IG playbooks for organizations - drop me a note at jesse.wilkins@athroconsulting.com and let's talk about what that could look like. 

October 1, 2024

Information Professional-related Training Courses, October 2024 - January 2025

Here are all the training courses I was able to find that I think are relevant to most information professionals for the period covering October 2024 - January 2025.  

As noted in the individual links, I have nothing to do with any of these courses except any Athro Consulting ones (generally only in the IG/RM listing). Moreover, since these are from all over the world, and a mix of in-person, hybrid, and live online, please check with the individual course provider for any additional details such as start times, time zones, costs, etc. 

If I missed a course, or a provider, that you think should be added, please reach out to me at jesse.wilkins@athroconsulting.com and I'll definitely get them added. Similarly, if you find any errors, let me know and I'll correct them.

 If the course is self-paced, or focused on a particular solution, e.g., Microsoft Purview, I will only add those via sponsored posts, but again, drop me a note if that's of interest. 

Total number of courses listed: 215

Information Governance and Records Management Courses, October 2024 - January 2025

This list includes public, instructor-led training courses scheduled through January 31, 2025. If you know of another training provider offering courses on IM, IG, RM, etc., please drop me a note at jesse.wilkins@athroconsulting.com. I am not affiliated with any of them (except the Athro courses), so please reach out directly to the course provider with any questions. Courses are scheduled all over the world, so please click the individual course links for location, times, and pricing. 

I am not including most solution-specific training at this time because there's just too much of it out there, but if you offer solution-specific training and want to list it, you can do so via sponsorship. Similarly, I'm not including self-paced training, but if you offer that and want to list it, you can also do so via sponsorship. Contact me at jesse.wilkins@athroconsulting.com for details.  

October 2024 - 14 courses

October 4, RIMPA Global, Selling the Value of Information Records Management to Stakeholders, live online, 3 hours

October 8-9, Leadership Through Data, Records Management, live online, 8 hours

October 10 - RIMPA Global, Records and Information Management Fundamentals, live online, 3 hours

October 11 - RIMPA Global, Creating a Digital Information Governance Framework, live online, 3 hours

October 14-15, COR Concepts, ICT for Records Professionals, Johannesburg, SA, 2 days

October 14-15, Leadership Through Data, Information Governance, live online, 8 hours

October 15-18, CIGOA, CIGO Training, live online, 12 hours

October 16, RIMPA Global, Concepts of Classification Schemes, live online, 3 hours

October 22, RIMPA Global, Impact of Cloud Computing on Records Management, live online, 3 hours

October 22-25, Datacentrix, Modern Records Management, unk, 24 hours

October 22 - November 11, ActNow, Information and Records Manager Practitioner Certificate, live online, 4 days

October 23, RIMPA Global, Developing and Implementing Classification Schemes, live online, 3 hours

October 30, RIMPA Global, Information Asset Register Understanding & Development, live online 3, hours

October 31, RIMPA Global, Risk Management for Information and Records management, live online, 3 hours

November 2024 - 10 courses

November 5, Leadership Through Data, Information Asset Owner Course, live online, 3.5 hours

November 6, RIMPA Global, Appraisal, Sentencing and Archiving Fundamentals, live online, 3 hours

November 7, Leadership Through Data, Information Governance Course, live online, 7 hours

November 11-15, COR Concepts, Advanced Information Governance (CIP), Cape Town, SA, 5 days

November 12-15, Datacentrix, Intelligent Information Management Essentials, unk, 4 days

November 13, RIMPA Global, Information Governance Fundamentals, live online, 3 hours

November 20, RIMPA Global, Records and Information Management Fundamentals, live online, 3 hours

November 25-29, Oxford Management Centre, Enterprise Content Management, London, UK, 5 days

November 27, RIMPA Global, Digital Archiving, Preservation and Continuity, live online, 3 hours

November 28, RIMPA Global, Development of Records Management Online Training, live online, 3 hours

December 2024 - 7 courses

December 3-10, Athro Consulting, Building a RIM Playbook Workshop, live online, 6 hours

December 4, RIMPA Global, Physical Records Archival, Preservation and Management, live online, 3 hours

December 5-19, Athro Consulting, CIP Preparatory Workshop, live online, 12 hours

December 9-13, AIIM, Automating Governance and Compliance, live online, 6 hours

December 12, RIMPA Global, Information Asset Register Understanding & Development, live online, 3 hours

December 18, RIMPA Global, Appraisal, Sentencing and Archiving Fundamentals, live online, 3 hours

December 23-27, Oxford Management Centre, Information & Documentation Compliance, London, UK, 5 days

January 2025 - 3 courses

January 22 - February 12, ActNow, Information and Records Manager Practitioner Certificate, live online, 4 days

January 23, Leadership Through Data, Information Asset Owner Course, live online, 3.5 hours

January 27, Leadership Through Data, Records Management, live online, 7 hours

Artificial Intelligence Training Courses, October 2024 - January 2025

This list includes public, instructor-led training courses scheduled through January 31, 2025. If you know of another training provider offering courses on AI, machine learning, Generative AI, AI governance, etc., please drop me a note at jesse.wilkins@athroconsulting.com. I am not affiliated with any of them (except the Athro courses), so please reach out directly to the course provider with any questions. Courses are scheduled all over the world, so please click the individual course links for location, times, and pricing. 

I am not including most solution-specific training at this time because there's just too much of it out there, but if you offer solution-specific training and want to list it, you can do so via sponsorship. Similarly, I'm not including self-paced training, but if you offer that and want to list it, you can also do so via sponsorship. Contact me at jesse.wilkins@athroconsulting.com for details.  

October 2024 - 15 courses

October 2-3, IAPP, AI Governance Professional, London, UK, 14 hours. Email sales@iapp.org for information or to register. 

October 7, ActNow, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, How to Implement Good Information Governance, live online, 6 hours

October 7-8, Privacy Ref, Artificial Intelligence Governance (AIGP), Nashua, NH and online, 14 hours

October 7-28, AI, Tech & Privacy Academy, Emerging Challenges in AI, Tech & Privacy, live online, 8 hours

October 8-17, IAPP, AI Governance Professional, live online, 14 hours

October 8-29, AI, Tech & Privacy Academy, The EU AI Act Bootcamp, live online, 8 hours

October 9, RIMPA Global, AI Implementation for Records and Information Management, live online, 3 hours

October 9-18, IAPP, AI Governance Professional, live online, 14 hours

October 14-15, Freevacy, BCS Essentials Certificate in Artificial Intelligence, live online, 8 hours

October 17, RIMPA Global, AI and Machine Learning Fundamentals, live online, 3 hours

October 21-23, Freevacy, BCS Foundation Certificate in Artificial Intelligence, live online, 16 hours

October 21-30, IAPP, AI Governance Professional, live online, 14 hours

October 23, ActNow, The EU AI Act and the UK Approach to AI Regulation, live online, 6 hours

October 24, RIMPA Global, AI Policy Creation for Records and Information Management, live online, 3 hours

October 28 - Nov 1, CIGOA, CIGO/AI Prep Workshop, live online, 12 hours

November 2024 - 7 courses

November 4, ActNow, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, How to Implement Good Information Governance, live online, 6 hours

November 6-7, Privacy Ref, Artificial Intelligence Governance (AIGP), Nashua, NH and online, 14 hours 

November 6-15, IAPP, AI Governance Professional, live online, 14 hours

November 7, RIMPA Global, AI Implementation for Records and Information Management, live online, 3 hours

November 18-19, IAPP, AI Governance Professional, Brussels, BEL, 14 hours

November 21, RIMPA Global, AI Policy Creation for Records and Information Management, live online, 3 hours

November 28-29, IAPP, AI Governance Professional, Melbourne, AUS, 14 hours

December 2024 - 5 courses

December 2-11, IAPP, AI Governance Professional, live online, 14 hours

December 9-10, Privacy Ref, Artificial Intelligence Governance (AIGP), Nashua, NH and online, 14 hours 

December 10, ActNow, The EU AI Act and the UK Approach to AI Regulation, live online, 6 hours

December 10, ActNow, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, How to Implement Good Information Governance, live online, 6 hours

December 11, RIMPA Global, AI Implementation for Records and Information Management, live online, 3 hours

January 2025 - 2 courses

January 7-16, IAPP, AI Governance Professional, live online, 14 hours

January 8, ActNow, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, How to Implement Good Information Governance, live online, 6 hours

Policies and Procedure Development Training Courses, October 2024 - January 2025

This list includes public, instructor-led training courses scheduled through January 31, 2025. If you know of another training provider offering courses on developing policies & procedures, please drop me a note at jesse.wilkins@athroconsulting.com. I am not affiliated with any of them, so please reach out directly to the course provider with any questions. Courses are scheduled all over the world, so please click the individual course links for location, times, and pricing. 

I am not including most solution-specific training at this time because there's just too much of it out there, but if you offer solution-specific training and want to list it, you can do so via sponsorship. Similarly, I'm not including self-paced training, but if you offer that and want to list it, you can also do so via sponsorship. Contact me at jesse.wilkins@athroconsulting.com for details.  

October 24, RIMPA Global, AI Policy Creation for Records and Information Management, live online, 3 hours

November 21, RIMPA Global, AI Policy Creation for Records and Information Management, live online, 3 hours

December 3-5, Perfect Policies, Drafting Policies for Maximum Buy-In, live online, 9 hours

December 5, RIMPA Global, Writing Records and Information Management Policies, live online, 3 hours

January 2025: No courses found. 

Document Control Training Courses, October 2024 - January 2025

This list includes public, instructor-led training courses scheduled through January 31, 2025. If you know of another training provider offering courses on document control, please drop me a note at jesse.wilkins@athroconsulting.com. I am not affiliated with any of these courses or providers, so please reach out directly to the course provider with any questions. Courses are scheduled all over the world, so please click the individual course links for location, times, and pricing. 

I am not including most solution-specific training at this time because there's just too much of it out there, but if you offer solution-specific training and want to list it, you can do so via sponsorship. Similarly, I'm not including self-paced training, but if you offer that and want to list it, you can also do so via sponsorship. Contact me at jesse.wilkins@athroconsulting.com for details. 

October 2024 - 4 courses

October 15-17, Mireaux, Fundamentals of Document Control, live online, 24 hours

October 15-18, Mireaux, Advanced Document Control, live online, 32 hours

October 21-24, Consepsys, Certified Document Controller, live online, 16 hours

October 29-31, Consepsys, Certified Document Controller, London, UK, 2.5 days

November 2024 - 2 courses

November 3-5, Consepsys, DCM - Certified Document Lead Controller, London, UK, 2.5 days

November 26-29, Consepsys, Certified Document Controller, live online, 16 hours

December 2024 - 3 courses

December 3-5, Mireaux, Fundamentals of Document Control, live online, 24 hours

December 3-6, Mireaux, Advanced Document Control, live online, 32 hours

December 9-12, Consepsys, DCM - Certified Document Lead Controller, live online, 16 hours

January 2025 - no courses found. 

Data Governance and Data Management Courses, October 2024 - January 2025

This list includes public, instructor-led training courses on privacy and data protection scheduled through January 31, 2025. If you know of another training provider offering courses on data governance, data management, etc., please drop me a note at jesse.wilkins@athroconsulting.com. I am not affiliated with any of them, so please reach out directly to the course provider with any questions. Courses are scheduled all over the world, so please click the individual course links for location, times, and pricing. 

I am not including most solution-specific training at this time because there's just too much of it out there, but if you offer solution-specific training and want to list it, you can do so via sponsorship. Similarly, I'm not including self-paced training, but if you offer that and want to list it, you can also do so via sponsorship. Contact me at jesse.wilkins@athroconsulting.com for details.  

October 2024 - 11 courses

October 2-3, Institute for Data Management, Data Management Overview, live online, 8 hours

October 2-17, Institute for Data Management, Intensive Data Management, live online, 24 hours

October 7-9, TDWI, Data Governance Bootcamp, live online, 21 hours

October 7-10, Dataversity, Data Architecture Bootcamp - Practical Exercises in Architecture Design, live online, 24 hours

October 9-10, Institute for Data Management, Data Governance, live online, 8 hours

October 9-11, FIT Academy, Data Quality CDMP Practitioner Preparation, live online, 11 hours

October 16-17, Institute for Data Management, Data Quality, live online, 8 hours

October 22-24, Dataversity, Data Modeling Bootcamp: Concepts and Techniques, live online, 18 hours

October 24-25, FIT Academy, Data Governance CDMP Practitioner Preparation, live online, 11 hours

October 29, ActNow, Data Ethics, live online, 6 hours

October 29-30, The Data Governance Coach, Getting Started in Data Governance (U.S. Version), live online, 8 hours

November 2024 - 12 courses

November 4-6, TDWI, Dimensional Modeling Deep Dive, live online, 24 hours

November 5-6, Dataversity, Data Governance Master Class, live online, 14 hours

November 6-13, Institute for Data Management, CDMP Exam Prep, live online, 14 hours

November 6-7, The Data Governance Coach, Data Governance Training and Clinic, live online, 16 hours

November 7, TDWI, Is a Data Lakehouse in Your Future?, live online, 3.5 hours

November 12-13, Dataversity, Data Strategy Bootcamp, live online, 14 hours

November 15, TDWI, Modern Data Platforms and Architectures for Advanced Analytics, AI, and Machine Learning at Scale, live online, 3.5 hours 

November 18-20, TDWI, Data Strategy Bootcamp, live online, 24 hours

November 20-21, Institute for Data Management, Data Management Overview, live online, 8 hours

November 20 - December 5, Institute for Data Management, Intensive Data Management, live online, 24 hours

November 22 - TDWI, Master Data Management: The Intersection of Architecture, Governance, and Process, live online, 3.5 hours

November 27-28, Institute for Data Management, Data Governance, live online, 8 hours

December 2024 - 4 courses

December 4-5, Institute for Data Management, Data Quality, live online, 8 hours

December 6, TDWI, Data Architecture Essentials: Building a Data Foundation for Enterprise Analytics, live online, 3.5 hours

December 9-11, TDWI, Data Modeling Essentials, live online, 24 hours

December 10-11, Dataversity, DMBoK and CDMP Specialist Deep Dive: Metadata Management, live online, 14 hours

January 2025 - no courses found

Privacy and Data Protection Training Courses, October 2024 - January 2025

This list includes public, instructor-led training courses on privacy and data protection scheduled through January 31, 2025. If you know of another training provider offering courses on privacy and data protection, etc., please drop me a note at jesse.wilkins@athroconsulting.com. I am not affiliated with any of them, so please reach out directly to the course provider with any questions. Courses are scheduled all over the world, so please click the individual course links for location, times, and pricing. 

I am not including most solution-specific training at this time because there's just too much of it out there, but if you offer solution-specific training and want to list it, you can do so via sponsorship. Similarly, I'm not including self-paced training, but if you offer that and want to list it, you can also do so via sponsorship. Contact me at jesse.wilkins@athroconsulting.com for details.  

October 2024 - 36 courses

October 2, ActNow, How to Handle a Subject Access Request, live online, 6 hours

October 2, ActNow, International Data Transfers, live online, 6 hours

October 3-24, ActNow, FOI Practitioner Certificate, live online, 24 hours

October 4-25, ActNow, UK GDPR Practitioner Certificate, live online, 24 hours

October 7-15, IAPP, Chinese Personal Information Protection, live online, 14 hours

October 8-17, IAPP, European Data Protection, live online, 14 hours

October 9, ActNow, The General Protection Data Regulation, live online, 6 hours

October 9-10, TKM, TKM Certificate in Data Protection Compliance, live online, 7 hours

October 10, ActNow, How to Do Records Management for GDPR, live online, 6 hours

October 10, Leadership Through Data, Redaction and Scrutiny, live online, 7 hours

October 14, Leadership Through Data, Subject Access Request, live online, 7 hours

October 14-18, Freevacy, BCS Foundation Certificate in Data Protection, live online, 17.5 hours

October 14-15, Privacy Ref, U.S. Private Sector Privacy (CIPP/US), Boynton Beach, FL and online, 14 hours

October 14-17, Privacy Ref, U.S. Privacy Officer Readiness (CIPP/US + CIPM), Boynton Beach, FL and online, 28 hours

October 15-24, IAPP, Privacy Program Management, live online, 14 hours

October 16, ActNow, How to Do a Data Protection Impact Assessment, live online, 6 hours

October 16-17, Privacy Ref, Privacy Program Management (CIPM), Boynton Beach, FL and online, 14 hours

October 21 - November 18, ActNow, FOI Intermediate Certificate, live online, 18 hours

October 21-22, Privacy Ref, European Data Protection (CIPP/E), Nashua, NH and online, 14 hours

October 22, ActNow, How to be a Senior Information Risk Owner, live online, 6 hours

October 22, ActNow, Freedom of Information: The Exceptions, live online, 6 hours

October 21-30, IAPP, Privacy in Technology, live online, 14 hours

October 22-31, IAPP, European Data Protection, live online, 14 hours

October 22 - November 12, ActNow, UK GDPR Practitioner Certificate, live online, 24 hours

October 23 - November 13, ActNow, FOI Practitioner Certificate, live online, 24 hours

October 23-25, IAPP, Foundations of Privacy and Data Protection, live online, 7 hours

October 24, ActNow, FOIA Update 2024, live online, 6 hours

October 24, ActNow, How to Conduct Marketing in Compliance with GDPR and PECR, live online, 6 hours

October 24 - November 22, ActNow, Intermediate Certificate in GDPR Practice, live online, 18 hours

October 25, Leadership Through Data, Data Protection Officer, live online, 7 hours

October 28 - November 8, Freevacy, BCS Practitioner Certificate in Data Protection, live online, 35 hours

October 29, ActNow, Data Ethics, live online, 6 hours

October 30 - November 13, TKM/Leadership Through Data, Certificate in Managing Data Protection Compliance, live online, 40 hours

October 31, ActNow, How to do Data Flow Mapping, live online, 6 hours

October 31, ActNow, Handling FOI and EIR Requests for Personal Data, live online, 6 hours

October 31-January 28, ActNow, Advanced Certificate in GDPR Practice, live online, 30 hours

November 2024 - 30 courses

November 4, ActNow, The General Data Protection Regulation, live online, 6 hours

November 4, ActNow, How to Handle a Subject Access Request, live online, 6 hours

November 5, Leadership Through Data, Information Asset Owner Course, live online, 3.5 hours

November 5-14, IAPP, Chinese Personal Information Protection, live online, 14 hours

November 5-14, IAPP, European Data Protection, live online, 14 hours

November 7-27, ActNow, FOI Practitioner Certificate, live online, 24 hours

November 7-28, ActNow, UK GDPR Practitioner Certificate, live online, 24 hours

November 11-12, Privacy Ref, U.S. Private-Sector Privacy (CIPP/US), Boynton Beach, FL and online, 14 hours

November 11-14, Privacy Ref, U.S. Privacy Officer Readiness (CIPP/US) + (CIPM), Boynton Beach, FL and online, 28 hours

November 12, Leadership Through Data, Senior Information Risk Owner Refresher, live online, 3 hours

November 13-14, Privacy Ref, Privacy Program Management (CIPM), Boynton Beach, FL and online, 14 hours

November 11-20, IAPP, U.S. Private-Sector Privacy, live online, 14 hours

November 12-21, IAPP, Foundations of Privacy and Data Protection, live online, 8 hours

November 13-14, Privacy Ref, Privacy Program Management (CIPM), Boynton Beach, FL and online, 14 hours

November 15, ActNow, Managing Personal Data Breaches, live online, 6 hours

November 18, ActNow, How to be a Data Protection Officer, live online, 6 hours

November 18-19, IAPP, European Data Protection, Brussels, Belgium, 16 hours

November 18-19, IAPP, Privacy Program Management, Brussels, Belgium, 16 hours

November 18-21, Freevacy, Certified Information Privacy Professional Europe (CIPP/E), live online, 16 hours

November 18-29, Freevacy, BCS Practitioner Certificate in Freedom of Information, live online, 35 hours

November 19, ActNow, How to be a Senior Information Risk Owner, live online, 6 hours

November 20-21, Privacy Ref, European Data Protection (CIPP/E), Nashua, NH and online, 14 hours

November 20-December 12, ActNow, UK GDPR Practitioner Certificate, live online, 24 hours

November 22-December 12, ActNow, FOI Practitioner Certificate, live online, 24 hours

November 25, ActNow, Understanding GDPR Accountability and Conducting Data Protection Audits, live online, 6 hours

November 25, ActNow, Freedom of Information Act 2000 A-Z, live online, 6 hours

November 26, Leadership Through Data, Data Protection Officer, live online, 7 hours

November 26 - December 5, IAPP, Chinese Personal Information Protection, live online, 14 hours

November 27, Leadership Through Data, Introduction to UK GDPR & Data Protection Act 2018, live online, 7 hours

November 27-29, TKM, BCS Foundation Certificate in Data Protection, live online, 21 hours

December 2024 - 24 courses

December 2, ActNow, The General Data Protection Regulation, live online, 6 hours

December 2-3, Privacy Ref, Privacy Program Management (CIPM), Nashua, NH and online, 14 hours

December 2-5, Freevacy, Certified Information Privacy Manager, live online, 16 hours

December 2-6, Freevacy, Certified Information Privacy Technologist, live online, 15 hours

December 3, ActNow, How to do a Data Protection Impact Assessment, live online, 6 hours

December 4, Leadership Through Data, Senior Information Risk Owner, live online, 7 hours

December 4, ActNow, Data Ethics, live online, 6 hours

December 4, ActNow, FOI: Contracts and Commercial Confidentiality, live online, 6 hours

December 4-5, Privacy Ref, Privacy Program Management (CIPM), Nashua, NH and online, 14 hours

December 5, ActNow, How to Handle a Subject Access Request, live online, 6 hours

December 6, ActNow, How to Share Personal Data, live online, 6 hours

December 9, ActNow, Freedom of Information: The Exemptions, live online, 6 hours

December 9, ActNow, How to Conduct Marketing in Compliance with GDPR and PECR, live online, 6 hours

December 9-13, Freevacy, BCS Foundation Certificate in Data Protection, live online, 17.5 hours

December 9-20, Freevacy, BCS Practitioner Certificate in Data Protection, live online, 35 hours

December 11, ActNow, FOIA Update, live online, 6 hours

December 11, ActNow, Data Controller, Processor or Joint Controller: What am I?, live online, 6 hours

December 13, ActNow, How to do Records Management for GDPR, live online, 6 hours

December 16, Leadership Through Data, Data Protection Officer, live online, 7 hours

December 16, ActNow, How to do Data Flow Mapping, live online, 6 hours

December 16, ActNow, Freedom of Information Act 2000 A-Z Guide, live online, 6 hours

December 16-17, Privacy Ref, U.S. Private-Sector Privacy (CIPP/US), Boynton Beach, FL and online, 14 hours

December 16-19, Privacy Ref, Global Privacy Officer (CIPP/US) + (CIPP/E), Boynton Beach, FL and online, 28 hours

December 18-19, Privacy Ref, European Data Protection (CIPP/E), Boynton Beach, FL and online, 14 hours 

January 2025 - 23 courses

January 6-15, IAPP, Privacy Program Management, live online, 14 hours

January 7-16, IAPP, European Data Protection, live online, 14 hours

January 9, ActNow, The General Data Protection Regulation, live online, 6 hours

January 9, Leadership Through Data, Data Protection Officer, live online, 7 hours

January 13, ActNow, How to Handle a Subject Access Request, live online, 6 hours

January 14, ActNow, Freedom of Information Act 2000 A-Z Guide, live online, 6 hours

January 14-February 12, ActNow, Intermediate Certificate in GDPR Practice, live online, 18 hours

January 15, ActNow, How to do a Data Protection Impact Assessment, live online, 6 hours

January 15-February 5, ActNow, UK GDPR Practitioner Certificate, live online, 24 hours

January 11-May 29, ActNow, Advanced Certificate in GDPR Practice, live online, 30 hours

January 16, ActNow, How to be a Data Protection Officer, live online, 6 hours

January 17, ActNow, How to be a Senior Information Risk Owner, live online, 6 hours

January 20, ActNow, How to do Data Flow Mapping, live online, 6 hours

January 20, ActNow, How to do Records Management for GDPR, live online, 6 hours

January 21, ActNow, How to Share Personal Data, live online, 6 hours

January 21-30, IAPP, U.S. Private-Sector Privacy, live online, 14 hours

January 22, ActNow, FOIA Update, live online, 6 hours

January 22, Leadership Through Data, Introduction to UK GDPR & Data Protection Act 2018, live online, 7 hours

January 22-31, IAPP, Foundations of Privacy and Data Protection, live online, 8 hours

January 23, Leadership Through Data, Information Asset Owner, live online, 3.5 hours

January 30, ActNow, Managing Personal Data Breaches, live online, 6 hours

January 30, Leadership Through Data, Freedom of Information, live online, 7 hours

January 30-February 20, ActNow, UK GDPR Practitioner Certificate, live online, 24 hours

September 30, 2024

Private and Custom Courses and Workshops

I've been teaching in the information management space for more than 20 years. In that time, I've taught a number of private and custom courses and workshops and thought I'd share a bit more about how they work. 

Private Courses

Private courses, as the name suggests, are generally limited to a single organization - more on that shortly. The primary reason for a private course is to allow the organization to open up a little about its particular environment, challenges, and needs. Students can talk about their processes in the context of their particular industry and how their organization is set up. I find that students are often both more relaxed and more focused because the course is more directly relevant to them. 

Other key benefits of private courses include: 

  • Costs. When I teach private courses, it's a flat fee that covers up to a certain number of students, with a minimal per-student fee above that. This price is often at least a 50% savings compared to sending the same number of students to a public class. If it's an in-person class, I also charge reasonable travel fees. 
  • Flexibility in scheduling. I work with organizations to schedule private courses at the time and location that makes most sense to them and the people they want to attend. If you want to host a 3-day course from 7 am - 3 pm, I can do that. I can also generally do courses as live online as well as in-person. 
  • Consulting. Because the course is private, we can leverage the discussions and activities to work on your actual business issues. For example, during a private Playbook workshop, students will start to build your organization's playbook. And we can take the time to talk about what they're working on and the challenges they're trying to solve. 
  • Access to senior and specialist staff. This takes two forms. In some courses, it may make sense to have the general counsel, or CIO, or even CEO or agency head come to the group to share their insights. This wouldn't work with a public course for any number of reasons, but if that person just has to walk down the hall to the conference room, or join a video conference, why not? At the same time, there may be attendees that would benefit from just a portion of the content, or whose schedules would make attending a full course difficult but who could attend a half-day on Tuesday afternoon. 
  • Networking and relationship building. Training courses are great for networking and building the kinds of relationships necessary to effect the behavior changes indicated by the course content. This is particularly true of in-person courses, which can include time built-in for these kinds of activities such as a happy hour or after-hours social event. Even without those, though, students interact during the group activities, and during breaks and lunch, developing stronger ties with their fellow students and the instructor as well.

When "Private" Courses Aren't Private

Sometimes a group of individuals will get together to set up a "private" course. It's private in the sense that it offers the advantages of flat-rate pricing and flexibility in scheduling. It's otherwise a public course; registration is generally fairly open to anyone willing to pay to attend. I do these regularly with information management association chapters, where the chapter sets up a "private" course for their members. 

Private Course Content

I am an authorized AIIM Training Partner and can teach any AIIM training content, including but not limited to AIIM's Certificates of Specialization. I also teach a workshop on Building and Sustaining a Records Program with a Records Playbook and am actively developing additional courses; I'll update this post as those become available. 

Custom Courses

Custom courses are identical to private courses, and I usually teach them as such, with one significant difference: the content is customized to meet the organization's unique requirements: their industry sector, their laws and regulations, their systems and processes, and even their terms and terminology. Sometimes this includes custom content development - for example, I have developed and delivered custom modules on scanning, on privacy and data protection, and on building playbooks as part of custom courses. 

In other cases, the interest is in paring away content felt to be less relevant or to meet a shorter course schedule. Instead of a 4-day workshop, for example, the content is reduced to only 2 or 2.5 days. 

And in still other cases, the content consists of a selection from various courses. For example, I delivered a course a few years ago that included content from AIIM's SharePoint, records management, and capture courses. Since the courses I teach are broken into 45-90 minute modules, it's pretty straightforward to pick the modules that are of greatest interest or relevance. 

As noted above, my custom content can include any AIIM training content, my own RIM content, and anything I develop custom for a course. The broader point here is that I can work with you to develop and deliver exactly the content you need, where and when you need it. 

After the Course

After a private or custom course, you and your students will continue to have access to me for a year so the learning can continue. I hold monthly office hours for my public course students; for a private or custom course, your students will get access to that as well as to their own custom office hours. If permitted, I can also add them to my private Slack learning group, which includes additional resources, news and articles of interest, and access to other students. 

Setting up a Private or Custom Course

The easiest way to set up a private or custom course is to reach out to me directly to set up a discovery call. At this call, we'll talk about the intended audience, the content to be delivered, timeframes and scheduling, and cost and logistics. I generally try to book at least 60 days in advance so I can minimize expected travel costs, but I can be available sooner than that if necessary. Custom courses may require additional lead time if I need to develop custom content. 

If you have any questions about private or custom courses, I encourage you to drop me a note at jesse.wilkins@athroconsulting.com. Non-profit chapters in particular, let's talk about how we can bring high-quality educational content to your members, and benefit the chapter as well. 

September 29, 2024

Upcoming Industry Meetings and Webinars - October 1-31, 2024

Here are the industry webinars and events I'm aware of for October 1-31, 2024. Conferences and bigger events are listed through January 31, 2025 because they have longer lead times. I don't have anything to do with any of these from a planning perspective, so please reach out to the individual event producers with any questions.

Note also that I generally don't include training courses in this list. You can find my September training course list, with more than 200 courses listed, at https://informata.blogspot.com/2024/09/information-professional-related.html

If you know of a webinar or other event during this period that is focused on IM, IG, RM, etc. that's not listed, let me know here or at jesse.wilkins@athroconsulting.com. Vendors, other associations, consultants, etc. all welcome as long as the event is educational and not completely self-serving, e.g., no demos. No charge to list your event or to access the list. 


October 1 - AIIM, Information and Data Leadership Symposium, Arlington, VA

October 1 - ARMA InfoNEXT, Driving Business Value Through the Power of Data Governance & Modern Record

October 2 - AI Accelerator Institute, Generative AI Summit, Berlin, DEU

October 2 - IAPP, AI's impact on the language industry

October 3 - ARMA Triangle, Archiving Doesn't Cut It: Future of Information Governance

October 3 - ARMA, Building a Robust RIM Program: A Case Study in Risk and Compliance for Large Enterprises

October 3 - IAPP and RadarFirst, AI and privacy: Bridging the gap between progress and protection (members only)

October 3 - NAGARA, Social Media: The Records Management Challenge

October 3 - Digital Government Institute, Public Sector FOIA Update 2024

October 3 - Iron Mountain, The flip side of retention: disposition

October 8 - ARMA Mile High Denver, How to Get Your Program Audit-Ready

October 8 - Twin Cities ARMA, Privacy & RIM

October 8 - ARMA Dallas, Dallas's Radio Station WRR

October 8 - AIIM+, Community Conversation: Developing an Active and Continual Records & Information Management Program (members only)

October 8 - AIIM and Laserfiche, How GenAI and Digital Process Automation Are Impacting Manufacturing Productivity

October 8 - NAGARA, Dispositioning & Digitizing Paper Records

October 8 - IAPP and Osano, Why privacy is your secret weapon against third-party risk (members only)

October 9 - Greater Kansas City ARMA, Records Inventories

October 9 - IAPP and Securiti, Automated decision-making: Navigating your compliance obligations

October 9-10 - Bizagi Days, virtual

October 10 - Austin ARMA, Information Policies with Lewis Eisen

October 14-16 - ARMA InfoCon 2024, Houston, TX

October 14-16 - OPEX Week: Business Transformation Summit 2024, Sydney, NSW, AUS

October 14-17 - Data, AI and Analytics Conference Europe 2024, London, UK

October 15 - IRMS, Roadshow London 2024, London, UK

October 16 - RIMPA Global, Top Hints & Tips on Copilot for Microsoft 365

October 16 - IRMS Public Sector, The Link Between Digital Preservation, Environmental Sustainability, and Digital Decarbonisation

October 16-17 - AI Accelerator Institute, AI CXO and AI Accelerator Summits, Boston, MA

October 17 - ARMA Keystone, AI and Information Governance

October 17 - ARMA Oklahoma, Introvert's Guide to Manage Your Energy

October 17 - ARMA St. Louis, A Day in Records Management at the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency

October 17 - IAPP and FTI Consulting, Data governance approaches to mitigating AI risk

October 17 - Digital Government Institute, Preserve and Protect: The Essentials of Legal Holds & Preservation for Government Agencies

October 18 - DAMA Rocky Mountain, Data Careers - Journeys, Insights, Onramps, & Outlooks

October 20-25 - TDWI Transform 2024 Orlando, Orlando, FL

October 21-22 - CEDA and the National AI Centre, AI Leadership Summit 2024, Melbourne, Victoria, AUS

October 21-24 - Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo, Orlando, FL

October 21-24 - IBM TechXchange Conference, Las Vegas, NV

October 22 - AIIM+, CIP Futuristic Think Tank (AIIM+ members who are active CIPs only)

October 22 - ARMA Chicago, How to Write a Successful Records Retention Rule

October 22 - Osano, The Privacy Pro Survival Summit

October 23 - ARMA New Jersey, Rutgers Club Networking Event

October 23 - ARMA Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, Archiving Doesn't Cut it: Future of Information Governance

October 23 - ARMA Nebraska, Case Study - Don't Tip the Waiter - The Balancing Act of Cybersecurity

October 23 - IMCanadaConnect, City of Nanaimo - Which Projects Gave the Biggest Bang! 

October 23 - IAPP and Exterro, Unlocking privacy by design through effective records of processing activities (members only)

October 23 - InfoGovANZ, IG Innovation Navigation - Meetup: Australia's Privacy Bill

October 23 - Digital Government Institute, Engineering Excellence: Technical Insights into AI-Powered Workforce Transformation

October 23-25 - Privacy+Security Forum: Fall Academy, Washington, DC

October 23-25 - VAGARA 38th Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA

October 24 - ARMA Calgary, Fall Gathering 

October 24 - ARMA and Cadence Solutions, Mastering Microsoft Purview: Planning, Implementing, and Governing Records

October 24 - Digital Government Institute, Digitization Best Practices

October 28-30 - GovAI, Arlington, VA

October 29 - ARMA Michigan, PRISM Specialties Facility Tour

October 29 - AIIM+, Community Conversation: Gardening Modern Collaboration Platforms (members only)

October 29 - IAPP and BigID, Risks and rewards of AI regulations

October 29 - Digital Government Institute, Use of GenAI in Business Process Management and Process Mining

October 29-30 - Business Transformation Europe Summit, Amsterdam, NLD

October 31 - November 1 - DAMA Days Canada Conference III, Ottawa, ON


November 11-12 - AIIM, AI+IM Forum Europe, Manchester, UK

November 11-15 - Techcon365, Dallas, TX

November 12 - BoxWorks, San Francisco, CA and online

November 18 - IAPP Europe Data Protection Congress 2024, Brussels, BEL

November 18-21 - KMWorld, Washington, DC

November 18-21 - OpenText World, Las Vegas, NV

November 19-22 - Microsoft Ignite, Chicago, IL and online

November 22 - TSLAC and DIR e-Records Conference, Austin, TX


December 3-5 - GDI Connect SP, virtual

December 5-6 - 7th Annual Data Governance & Compliance for Financial Institutions, Frankfurt, DEU

December 9-13 - DGIQ East, Washington, DC 

December 11-12 - The AI Summit New York, New York City, NY

January 2025

January 27-29 - OPEX Week: Business Transformation World Summit, Miami, FL

If you're looking for a speaker, I'm available to speak at your chapter or event. For more details, see https://informata.blogspot.com/2024/05/im-available-to-speak-at-your-event-may.html.

September 16, 2024

Upcoming Industry Meetings and Webinars - September 16 - October 15, 2024

Here are the industry webinars and events I'm aware of for September 16 - October 15, 2024. Conferences and bigger events are listed through December 31, 2024 because they have longer lead times. I don't have anything to do with any of these from a planning perspective, so please reach out to the individual event producers with any questions.

Note also that I generally don't include training courses in this list. You can find my September training course list, with more than 200 courses listed, at https://informata.blogspot.com/2024/09/information-professional-related.html

If you know of a webinar or other event during this period that is focused on IM, IG, RM, etc. that's not listed, let me know here or at jesse.wilkins@athroconsulting.com. Vendors, other associations, consultants, etc. all welcome as long as the event is educational and not completely self-serving, e.g., no demos. No charge to list your event or to access the list. 


September 17, 6th Annual Data Privacy Conference, Washington, DC

September 17, AIIM+ AMA: Operate 10 Times Faster for Free (members only)

September 17 - Austin ARMA, Celebrating Your Wins

September 17 - Atlanta ARMA, Fasten Your Seatbelts, Copilot is Taking Off - Is Your Governance Program Ready?

September 17 - ARMA San Antonio, Data Governance and Information Governance: Enhancing Information Quality in 2024

September 17 - ARMA InfoNEXT, Data Governance Insights: Lessons from the British Government & US Banking

September 17-19 - Info-Tech Live 2024, Las Vegas, NV

September 18 - ARMA Nebraska, Responding to Litigation Discovery Request - From Paper to Electronic Data

September 18 - Greater Kansas City ARMA, Setting the Stage for Change

September 18 - ARMA Metro NYC-LI, New Chapter Year Kickoff Social

September 18 - ARMA Southern California Inland Empire, How Data Discovery and File Analysis Tools Can Support Records Management

September 18 - ARMA New Jersey, The Art of Transitioning: Paper to Digital Records

September 18-20 - InfoGovWorld Expo 2024, San Diego, CA

September 19 - ARMA Oklahoma, Unlocking the Potential of AI

September 19 - ARMA St. Louis, Disaster Recovery: When a Tornado Levels Your Building - What Do You Do About the Lost Paper? 

September 19 - ARMA Jacksonville, Thirsty Thursday

September 19 - ARMA Utah, SharePoint Case Study with Terri Scovill

September 19 - ARA UK & Ireland, Go on the B of the Bang! 

September 19 - Access, Innovating RIM - Part 3: Unifying Records Management Across the Information Lifecycle

September 20 - ARMA New England, Empower 24, Boston, MA

September 21-24 - IAPP Privacy.Security.Risk, Los Angeles, CA

September 22-26 - Hyland CommunityLive, National Harbor, MD

September 24 - ARMA Madison, USAA and the ARMA Award of Excellence for an Organization: A Case Study

September 24 - ARMA Michigan, RIMI Racoon - Branding for Success

September 24 - ARMA, Building IA Before AI

September 24-26 - Xplor 2024 Summit, Lake Buena Vista, FL

September 25 - ARMA Upstate NY, From Information to Ethics

September 25 - ARMA Greater Los Angeles, Managing Third-party Risk: Practical Applications for the RIM and IG Pro

September 25 - ARMA Greater Washington DC, New Chapter Year Mixer

September 25 - Meru Data, Navigating Shifts in Adtech and Retail Data Privacy

September 25 - IMCanadaConnect, Effective Training - Essential to Your Records Management Program

September 25 - Infotechtion, Data Cleanup for Copilot Readiness

September 25 - IRMS Public Sector, Mastering Personal Resilience

September 25 - InfoGovANZ, IG Innovation Navigation - Meet Up: AI - The Coming Wave

September 26 - Zasio, Creating a Workable Email & Messenger Retention Strategy

September 30 - ARA UK & Ireland, Archiving Now: Staying Social in the Digital Era

September 30 - October 1 - Business Transformation Exchange USA, Fort Lauderdale, FL


October 1 - AIIM, Information and Data Leadership Symposium, Arlington, VA

October 1 - ARMA InfoNEXT, Driving Business Value Through the Power of Data Governance & Modern Record

October 2 - AI Accelerator Institute, Generative AI Summit, Berlin, DEU

October 2 - Armedia, ARKCON 2024, Washington, DC

October 3 - ARMA Triangle, Archiving Doesn't Cut It: Future of Information Governance

October 3 - ARMA, Building a Robust RIM Program: A Case Study in Risk and Compliance for Large Enterprises

October 3 - IAPP and RadarFirst, AI and privacy: Bridging the gap between progress and protection (members only)

October 3 - NAGARA, Social Media: The Records Management Challenge

October 3 - Digital Government Institute, Public Sector FOIA Update 2024

October 8 - Twin Cities ARMA, Privacy & RIM

October 8 - ARMA Dallas, Dallas's Radio Station WRR

October 8 - AIIM+, Community Conversation: Developing an Active and Continual Records & Information Management Program (members only)

October 8 - NAGARA, Dispositioning & Digitizing Paper Records

October 9-10 - Bizagi Days, virtual

October 14-16 - ARMA InfoCon 2024, Houston, TX

October 14-16 - OPEX Week: Business Transformation Summit 2024, Sydney, NSW, AUS

October 14-17 - Data, AI and Analytics Conference Europe 2024, London, UK

October 15 - IRMS, Roadshow London 2024

October 16-17 - AI Accelerator Institute, AI CXO and AI Accelerator Summits, Boston, MA

October 20-25 - TDWI Transform 2024 Orlando, Orlando, FL

October 21-22 - CEDA and the National AI Centre, AI Leadership Summit 2024, Melbourne, Victoria, AUS

October 21-24 - Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo, Orlando, FL

October 23-25 - Privacy+Security Forum: Fall Academy, Washington, DC

October 28-30 - GovAI, Arlington, VA

October 29-30 - Business Transformation Europe Summit, Amsterdam, NLD


November 11-12 - AIIM, AI+IM Forum Europe, Manchester, UK

November 12 - BoxWorks, San Francisco, CA

November 18 - IAPP Europe Data Protection Congress 2024, Brussels, BEL

November 18-21 - OpenText World, Las Vegas, NV

November 18-21 - KMWorld, Washington, DC

November 19-22 - Microsoft Ignite, Chicago, IL and online


December 3-5 - GDI Connect SP, virtual

December 9-13 - DGIQ East, Washington, DC 

December 11-12 - The AI Summit New York, New York City, NY

If you're looking for a speaker, I'm available to speak at your chapter or event. For more details, see https://informata.blogspot.com/2024/05/im-available-to-speak-at-your-event-may.html.