February 20, 2015

Update to upcoming events part 2- athletics

And this is a new irregular update on the various runs, mud runs, and obstacle course races I hope to complete.

May 2-3: Colorado Military Spartan Sprint, Colorado Springs, CO

June 13: Spartan Breckenridge Beast, Breckenridge, CO

August 1-2: Rugged Maniac, Lakewood, CO
August 15: Dirty Dash, Fountain, CO
August 15: Warrior Dash, Frisco, CO
August 22-23: Insanity Run, Larkspur, CO

Oct 30: The Zombie Run, Erie, CO

I also need to do a Spartan Super for the trifecta. Most likely candidates:
July 18, Pennsylvania
Aug 15, Chicago
Aug 22, Virginia
Sept 12, Tri-State (NJ)
Oct 10, Atlanta

Finally, my wish list if I can make the travel work with a course or speaking gig:
August 1: Spartan Sprint, Washington DC
October 24: Greater DC Area Battlefrog OCR Series 2015

Update to upcoming events part 1 - IM industry

Another irregular update to events that I am either conducting, participating in, hope to attend, or that are of interest to me in some way and for some reason.

March 3-6: AIIM ECM Master Class, San Francisco, CA (confirmed)
March 16-21: AIIM 2015 Conference, San Diego, CA (confirmed)

April 14-16: AIIM ECM Virtual Master Class
April 20-23: Private class, Washington, DC
April 28-May 1: AIIM ERM Master Class, Chicago, IL

May 5-8: AIIM ECM Master Class, Calgary, AB
May 16-20: MER Conference, Chicago, IL (confirmed)
May 25-27: ARMA Canada Conference, Calgary, AB

June 2-5: AIIM ECM Master Class, Silver Spring, MD
June 23-26: AIIM ERM Master Class, Silver Spring, MD

August 8: NIRMA ERM Preconference, Las Vegas, NV
eLearning Industry: 17 Awesome Resources on Micro-Learning
eLearning Industry: Go Engage the Modern Learners. Here's How.
Meet the Modern Learner (infographic).

February 8, 2015

Ralph Losey: Information Governance v Search: The Battle Lines Are Redrawn

This is an important (and LONG!) post and I think I'm closer to Ralph's position than the alternative. Given the explosive growth in information, and the continued and growing tension between disposition and Big Data's "save-it-in-case-we-need-it" position, I think Ralph is on to something here.

February 6, 2015

The Verge: Keurig's attempt to 'DRM' its coffee cups totally backfired. Reason number 1,048,576 why DRM is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad idea nearly 100% of the time.

February 3, 2015

Don Leuders: The Automated Information Lifecycle Management Model: Part 2 – Records Management at a Tipping Point

Agree with the tipping point part and I know the two vendors listed have some good stuff (as do others) but hoping the next update or two have a bit more "there" there. The information professionals out there get the tipping point part but need to know how to address it effectively - and "buy software" isn't the answer by a long shot.

Slide shows

Dear marketers and their web design minions,

If you think your article on the "Top 10 Reasons to Do X" will get more clicks because it's in a snazzy slide show, with one picture/article per reason, it won't. So don't do it.

And if you prolong the agony by making it 4-5 slides with 1 pithy line of text per slide, I hope you die in the fire of a thousand suns.