August 15, 2019

AIIM Opens Call for Proposals for AIIM20

AIIM has opened its call for proposals to speak at AIIM20, scheduled for March 3-5, 2020 in Dallas, TX. Speakers who are selected will receive a free full conference registration; travel and any preconference workshops or conference add-ons are the responsibility of the speaker.

Proposals are due by Friday, September 13; all speakers will be notified in the fall as to whether they were selected or not. Submissions will only be accepted from end users.

For more information or to submit, visit

August 12, 2019

Julia Evans, on her own blog: Get your work recognized: write a brag document. As the article notes, this is a great way to recall everything you did for performance review time; it also helps when it's time to update the resume/CV, submit to speak at an industry event, etc.

H/T: Mary Mack

August 7, 2019