October 3, 2017

Ride the Lightning: DOJ Attorneys Foul Up Redaction, Jeopardizing Case I talk about this regularly in my ECM and ERM classes. From the story Sharon linked to:
In the inadequately redacted portions of the brief, the prosecutors described the content of Black’s interview with the FCA. One sentence was highlighted in black and written in a gray font that was clearly legible. Other portions of the brief were blocked out with what appeared to be black highlighting but were easily read by copying and pasting the contents of the brief into another text document. Word searches of the document returned text that was barely hidden behind the faulty redactions.
I can maybe sorta see someone clueless about redaction using a black highlighter on black text. How do you black highlight gray text that is still clearly legible and leave it that way? Maybe DOJ needs to take my ERM workshop in October.

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