July 3, 2024

IG, RIM, and Related Training Courses, July 1 - September 30, 2024

This list includes public, instructor-led training courses scheduled through September 30, 2024. If you know of another training provider offering courses on IM, IG, RM, etc., please drop me a note at jesse.wilkins@athroconsulting.com. I am not affiliated with any of them (except the Athro courses), so please reach out directly to the course provider with any questions. Courses are scheduled all over the world, so please click the individual course links for location, times, and pricing. 

I am not including most solution-specific training at this time because there's just too much of it out there, but if you offer solution-specific training and want to list it, you can do so via sponsorship. 

Similarly, I'm not including self-paced training, but if you offer that and want to list it, you can also do so via sponsorship. Contact me at jesse.wilkins@athroconsulting.com for details.  

Information Governance and Records Management - 41 courses listed

July 4, RIMPA Global, Selling the Value of Information Records Management to Stakeholders, live online, 3 hours

July 9, RIMPA Global, Information Governance Fundamentals, live online, 3 hours

July 10, RIMPA Global, Records Management Strategic Planning, live online, 3 hours

July 11, RIMPA Global, Release of Information, live online, 3 hours

July 15, COR Concepts, Records Management for the Public Sector, Johannesburg, SA, 5 days

July 16, RIMPA Global, Records and Information Management Fundamentals, live online, 3 hours

July 17, RIMPA Global, Creating a Digital Information Governance Framework, live online, 3 hours

July 18 - InfoGovANZ, IG Foundations Workshop, live online, 3 hours

July 18, Leadership Through Data, Redaction and Scrutiny, live online, 7 hours

July 18, Leadership Through Data, Subject Access Request, live online, 7 hours

July 22, COR Concepts, Hands-on Electronic Document and Records Management Training, Pretoria, SA, 6 days

July 24-31, ECM Institute, Certified Efficiency Expert, live online, 9 hours

July 25, InfoGovANZ, Information and Data Lifecycle Workshop, live online, 3 hours

July 25, RIMPA Global, Impact of Information Security on Records Management, live online, 3 hours

July 26, RIMPA Global, Integrating Project Management into Records and Information Management, live online, 3 hours

July 26-30, ECM Institute, ECM Business Acumen for Targeted Solutions, 9 hours

August 5-9, CIGOA, CIGO Prep Class, live online, 12 hours

August 8, ActNow, Freedom of Information: The Exemptions, live online, 8 hours?

August 12, COR Concepts, Combined EDRMS and Advanced EDRMS, Johannesburg, SA, 5 days

August 14, RIMPA Global, Concepts of Classification Schemes, live online, 3 hours

August 22, RIMPA Global, Impact of Cloud Computing on Records Management, live online, 3 hours

August 22, RIMPA Global, Information Governance Fundamentals for Schools, live online, 2 hours

August 26, COR Concepts, Information Governance (CIP Prep), Mombasa/Dar es Salaam/Mauritius, 5 days

August 27 and 29, Athro Consulting, Building a RIM Playbook, live online, 6 hours

August 28, RIMPA Global, Understanding and Development of Information Asset Register, live online, 3 hours

August 29, RIMPA Global, Risk Management for Information and Records Management, live online, 3 hours

September 2-17, TKM, Practitioner Certificate in Scottish Freedom of Information, live online, 21 hours

September 9, COR Concepts, Electronic Document and Records Management Training, Johannesburg, SA, 3 days

September 10, Leadership Through Data, Freedom Of Information, live online, 7 hours

September 10, Leadership Through Data, Data Ethics, Whangarei, NZ, 8 hours

September 10-26, Athro Consulting, CIP Preparatory Workshop, live online, 12 hours

September 13, RIMPA Global, Impact of Information Security on Records Management, live online, 3 hours

September 16, ActNow, Freedom of Information: The Exemptions, live online, 8 hours?

September 17, RIMPA Global, Information Governance Fundamentals, live online, 3 hours

September 18, RIMPA Global, Records Management Strategic Planning, live online, 3 hours

September 19, RIMPA Global, Integrating Project Management into Records and Information Management, live online, 3 hours

September 24, RIMPA Global, Records and Information Management Fundamentals, live online, 3 hours

September 24, Leadership Through Data, Records Management, live online, 7 hours

September 25, RIMPA Global, Creating a Digital Information Governance Framework, live online, 3 hours

September 25, Leadership Through Data, Records Management Deep Dive, live online, 7 hours

September 30, COR Concepts, Public Sector Records Management Training, Pretoria, SA, 5 days

Policies and Procedures - 4 courses listed

September 3, Perfect Policies and RIMPA Global, From Resistance to Engagement: Rethinking IG Policies, Adelaide, AUS, 3.5 hours

September 6, Perfect Policies and RIMPA Global, Drafting R/IM and Data Policies for Maximum Buy-in, Melbourne, AUS, 8 hours

September 10, Perfect Policies and RIMPA Global, Drafting R/IM and Data Policies for Maximum Buy-in, Sydney, AUS, 8 hours

September 24-26, Perfect Policies, Drafting Policies for Maximum Buy-In, live online, 9 hours

Privacy and Data Protection - 44 courses listed

July 4, ActNow, How to Do a Data Protection Impact Assessment, live online, 8 hours?

July 4-5, TKM, TKM Certificate in Data Protection Compliance, live online, 7 hours

July 9-18, IAPP, European Data Protection, live online, 14 hours

July 10 - August 10, Privacy by Design, Strategic Privacy By Design, live online, 12 hours

July 15-24, IAPP, U.S. Private-Sector Privacy, live online, 14 hours

July 17, Leadership Through Data, All You Need to Know: Subject Access Request, live online, 7 hours

July 17, AI, Tech, and Privacy Academy, Emerging Challenges in AI, Tech, and Privacy, live online, 8 hours

July 17, ActNow, The General Data Protection Regulation, live online, 8 hours?

July 17-18, Privacy Ref, European Data Protection (CIPP/E), hybrid, Nashua, NH, 14 hours

July 22, ActNow, How to Handle a Subject Access Request, live online, 8 hours?

July 23-24, Privacy Ref, U.S. Private-Sector Privacy (CIPP/US), live online, 14 hours

August 7, ActNow, How to Do Data Flow Mapping, live online, 8 hours?

August 12-13, Privacy Ref, U.S. Private-Sector Privacy (CIPP/US), hybrid, Boynton Beach, FL, 14 hours

August 12-15, Privacy Ref, U.S. Privacy Officer Readiness (CIPP/US + CIPM), hybrid, Boynton Beach, FL, 28 hours

August 14, ActNow, How to Handle a Subject Access Request, live online, 8 hours?

August 14-15, Privacy Ref, Privacy Program Management (CIPM), hybrid, Boynton Beach, FL, 14 hours

August 19, ActNow, The General Data Protection Regulation, live online, 8 hours?

August 19, ActNow, How to Be a Senior Information Risk Owner, live online, 8 hours?

September 2, ActNow, FOIA Update 2024, live online, 8 hours?

September 2, ActNow, How to Handle a Subject Access Request, live online, 8 hours?

September 3, Leadership Through Data, Data Protection Officer, live online, 7 hours

September 4-13, IAPP, European Data Protection, live online, 14 hours

September 9-18, IAPP, U.S. Private-Sector Privacy, live online, 14 hours

September 10, ActNow, Understanding GDPR Accountability and Conducting Data Protection Audits, live online, 8 hours?

September 10, Leadership Through Data, Data Protection Officer, live online, 7 hours

September 10-19, IAPP, Privacy Program Management, live online, 14 hours

September 11, ActNow, Managing Personal Data Breaches, live online, 8 hours?

September 12, ActNow, Data Controller, Processor, or Joint Controller: What am I?, live online, 8 hours?

September 12, Leadership Through Data, Introduction to UK GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018, live online, 7 hours

September 16-17, Privacy Ref, Privacy Program Management (CIPM), hybrid, Nashua, NH, 14 hours

September 16-25, IAPP, Privacy Program Management, live online, 14 hours

September 17, ActNow, How to be a Data Protection Officer, live online, 8 hours?

September 18, TKM, Conducting Data Protection Impact Assessments, live online, 6 hours

September 18 - ActNow, GDPR Update, live online, 8 hours?

September 18 - ActNow, How to do Data Flow Mapping, live online, 8 hours?

September 18-27, IAPP, Canadian Privacy, live online, 14 hours

September 21-22, IAPP, European Data Protection, Los Angeles, CA, 2 days

September 21-22, IAPP, Privacy Program Management, Los Angeles, CA, 2 days

September 21-22, IAPP, Privacy in Technology, Los Angeles, CA, 2 days

September 21-22, IAPP, U.S. Private-Sector Privacy, Los Angeles, CA, 2 days

September 22, IAPP, Foundations of Privacy and Data Protection, Los Angeles, CA, 7 hours

September 24-25, Privacy Ref, U.S. Private-Sector Privacy (CIPP/US), hybrid, Boynton Beach, FL, 14 hours

September 24 and 26, IAPP, Foundations of Privacy and Data Protection, live online, 7 hours

September 25 - Oct 3, TKM, BCS Practitioner Certificate in Data Protection, live online, 24 hours?

Artificial Intelligence - 21 courses listed

July 4, ActNow, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, How to Implement Good Information Governance, live online, 8 hours?

July 9-18, IAPP, AI Governance Professional, live online, 14 hours

July 15-16, Privacy Ref, Artificial Intelligence Governance (AIGP), hybrid, Nashua, NH, 14 hours

July 16 - August 6, AI, Tech, and Privacy Academy, The EU AI Act Bootcamp, live online, 8 hours

July 29-30, Freevacy, BCS Essentials Certificate in AI, live online, 8 hours

July 30, ActNow, The EU AI Act and the UK Approach to AI Regulation, live online, 8 hours?

August 1, RIMPA Global, Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, live online, 3 hours

August 5-14, IAPP, AI Governance Professional, live online, 14 hours

August 6-15, IAPP, AI Governance Professional, live online, 14 hours

August 8, InfoGovANZ, AI Governance Workshop, live online, 3 hours

August 19-20, Privacy Ref, Artificial Intelligence Governance (AIGP), hybrid, Nashua, NH, 14 hours

August 19-23, CIGOA, AI Governance, live online, 12 hours

August 21, ActNow, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, How to Implement Good Information Governance, live online, 8 hours?

September 3, ActNow, The EU AI Act and the UK Approach to AI Regulation, live online, 8 hours?

September 9-10, Privacy Ref, Artificial Intelligence Governance (AIGP), hybrid, Nashua, NH, 14 hours

September 10-19, IAPP, AI Governance Professional, live online, 14 hours

September 11-20, IAPP, AI Governance Professional, live online, 14 hours

September 18, AI Governance World, AI Governance Executive Forum, San Diego, CA, 6 hours

September 18, AI Governance World, CIGO/AI Training, San Diego, CA, 7 hours

September 21-22, IAPP, AI Governance Professional, Los Angeles, CA, 2 days

September 23, ActNow, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, How to Implement Good Information Governance, live online, 8 hours?

Data Governance and Data Management - 14 courses listed

July 9-10, Institute for Data Management, Introduction to Data Governance, live online, 8 hours

July 16-17, Institute for Data Management, Introduction to Data Quality, live online, 8 hours

July 23-31, Institute for Data Management, CDMP Exam Prep, live online, 16 hours

July 29 - August 1, Dataversity, DMBoK and CDMP Preparation: Data Management Fundamentals, live online, 30 hours

August 7, RIMPA Global, Big Data and Digital Transformation, live online, 3 hours

August 13-14, Dataversity, Data Quality Bootcamp: A Roadmap for Success, live online, 15 hours

August 13-14, Institute for Data Management, Data Management Overview, live online, 8 hours

August 13-28, Institute for Data Management, Intensive Data Management, live online, 24 hours

August 20-21, Institute for Data Management, Introduction to Data Governance, live online, 8 hours

August 27-28, Institute for Data Management, Introduction to Data Quality, live online, 8 hours

August 28 - September 5, Institute for Data Management, Practical Data Modelling, live online, 16 hours

September 10-18, Institute for Data Management, CDMP Exam Prep, live online, 16 hours

September 11-20, FIT Academy, Data Management Fundamentals CDMP Exam Preparation, live online, 18 hours

September 16-18, Dataversity, Data Governance Bootcamp, live online, 18 hours

Document Control - 4 courses listed

August 27-29, Mireaux, Fundamentals of Document Control, live online, 24 hours

August 27-30, Mireaux, Advanced Document Control, live online, 32 hours

August 27-30, Consepsys, DCC - Certified Document Controller, live online, 16 hours

September 9-13, Consepsys, Advanced Document Control Course, live online, 20 hours

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