September 29, 2016

ARMA Solicits Volunteers for Industry Expert Task Force

From the email:
Volunteer Opportunity: Industry Expert Task Force
As part of our ongoing effort to increase membership value, ARMA International is pleased to announce the formation of a task force to create a comprehensive body of knowledge. 

We need outstanding industry experts, like yourselves, to create an all-encompassing guide to the generally recognized best practices for managing and governing the full life cycle of information. This guide will be process-based and will focus on defining information management and governance concepts throughout the information life cycle. Your work on this taskforce will provide the knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to better support our practitioners in their day-to-day operations.

As the authority on records and information management and information governance, ARMA International will lead this important initiative along with you, our outstanding industry experts. If you consider yourself an expert in your field and would like to make a difference in our industry, this opportunity is for you!

I'd have thought that the IGP and/or CRM provide wide swathes of this - and of course the CIP as well - but this sounds to me like something that will be developed from a blank slate. That also raises a question for me as to what happens once the BOK is developed - typically the next step is a certification, but again ARMA's IGP and the ICRM's (and ARMA's) CRM already exist.

I very much doubt I can participate, but anyone else interested can contact ARMA at


Tod Chernikoff said...

Although the email cited above does not indicate this, the effort is not to develop from scratch. As announced during ARMA 2016 this effort includes updates to items such as the Principles, RIM Glossary, the Competencies.

Remember, certification processes such as the IGP, CRM and the CIP are not processes to develop content or bodies of knowledge, but to test individuals knowledge of such content.

Jesse Wilkins said...

Hi Tod,

I didn't see the announcement in person so I didn't know that, but it's still a very narrow foundation for something that seems to aim at a much broader conclusion.

And I understand and generally agree with your second point, but I will be distinctly unsurprised when the announcement comes around 3 years from now that ARMA is launching yet another certification into a very crowded space.