Ah, summertime. The AIIM18 conference has come and gone - and was an amazing success. Our thoughts turn to vacation, recreation, and a chance to recharge.
For my part, I'm thinking about CIP. Yes, I'm a geek. But as a CIP myself, I want to make sure that it is relevant to you, your colleagues, and your employer. That means it's time to start thinking about CIP v3, which we want to go live in Summer 2019.
It means it's time to think more about how CIPs can benefit even more from the AIIM conference, which returns to San Diego next March.
And it means it's time to update the CIP value proposition so we can make sure the value CIP provides can be communicated effectively. How can we make the website more useful to candidates as well as to CIPs? What types of statistics can we develop for different audiences - say, the vendor community, or veterans, or particular industry verticals?
I'd welcome your thoughts on these questions at jwilkins@aiim.org.
Jesse Wilkins, CIP
Director, Certification
New CIP Prep Course Model
We're looking at a new way to provide CIP Prep training. We're still working out some of the details, but it will be a combination of self-paced materials that cover the exam plus a series of instructor-led online training sessions. Those sessions will be focused on exercises and activities to allow students to apply what they've learned. The first course is expected to be delivered in October 2018 - watch this space for details.
CIP Webinar
We're hosting a webinar on July 12 at 11:00 Eastern that will outline the CIP value proposition and the mechanics of how to become a CIP. If you're already a CIP you will likely know the things we're going to cover, but please consider forwarding this to others in your organization who are interested or unsure.
CIP CEUsWe've added CIP credits to all of our events, training courses etc. We're also working on adding a list of events that have been preapproved for CIP CEUs to the website. In the meantime, if you're going to an event or you're an event producer, we'd love to preapprove your events as well. You can submit events for preapproval using our web form or by sending an email to jwilkins@aiim.org.
CIPs represent at AIIM18
At the inaugural CIP luncheon, during AIIM18, we announced a few stats we're pretty proud of:
- 83 attendees took the CIP practice exam in the conference app
- 33 candidates became CIPs at the onsite proctored exam
- 116 CIPs were in attendance at AIIM18, including 18 speakers and 14 AIIM Board or staff members
- More than 70 CIPs showed up for the annual photo
- Our 1,500th CIP passed the exam at conference!
Next year we want to make AIIM19 even more relevant to CIPs. So our question to you: What else would you like to see at conference that would make it a compelling, no-brainer, "Shut up and take my money!" kind of event for you? Ping me at jwilkins@aiim.org.
New Emerging Technologies course
We're pleased to announce the availability of a new online course on emerging technologies. The course provides a thorough introduction to artificial intelligence and machine learning; the cloud; blockchain; and robotic process automation. We previewed this course at AIIM18, but it is now live and valid for 4.0 CIP CEUs if you take the entire course.
AIIM19 - Save the Date!
As noted above, AIIM18 was an enormous success, particularly for all the CIPs represented. We'd love to see you again in San Diego next year, and if you missed San Antonio, you really don't want to miss San Diego. AIIM19 is scheduled for March 26-28, 2019 in San Diego, CA. We plan to make AIIM19 even better than the amazing AIIM18 experience! The conference website is once again at www.aiimconference.com. Updates will start taking place in July, with information on early bird registration rates, precons, etc. Hope to see you there. :)
Upcoming CEU Opportunities
Just a reminder that all CIPs have to complete 45 hours of continuing education every three years in order to remain certified. Here are some upcoming AIIM events you might wish to consider:
- Your Ultimate Guide to Emerging Technologies Virtual Event, August 2, 3.5 credits
- Modern Records Management Specialist/Master Class, September 11-14, Silver Spring, MD, 13.0 or 26.0 credits
- Modern Records Management Specialist/Master Class, September 18-21, Amsterdam, NL, 13.0 or 26.0 credits
- Business Process Management Specialist/Master Class, September 25-28, Amsterdam, NL, 13.0 or 26.0 credits
- Implementing IIM on SharePoint and Office265, October 2-5, Denver, CO, 26.0 credits
- ECM Specialist/Master Class, October 16-19, Silver Spring, MD, 13.0 or 26.0 credits
- Modern Records Management Specialist/Master Class, October 16-19, Toronto, ON, 13.0 or 26.0 credits
- ECM Specialist/Master Class, Oct 30 - Nov 2, 2018, Amsterdam, NL, 13.0 or 26.0 credits
- Modern Records Management Specialist/Master Class, December 4-7, Silver Spring, MD, 13.0 or 26.0 credits
- Business Process Management Specialist/Master Class, December 4-7, London, UK, 13.0 or 26.0 credits
- Modern Records Management Specialist/Master Class, December 11-14, London, UK, 13.0 or 26.0 credits
For a complete and current list including locations, details, and registration, click here. All AIIM courses are available in an online, self-paced format as well. CEUs vary by the length of the course - visit http://aiim.org/training for details.
AIIM's webinars are generally worth 1.0 CEU each. Here's a list of the webinars we have coming up.
Private Courses
We also offer private courses. These can be the standard course, or can include modules from different courses or even customization including specific legal requirements or even vendor content. You provide the venue and the A/V, we provide the materials and an experienced and accredited trainer. We generally charge a flat per-day fee plus travel expenses, so if you have more than about 6 people, you can save money with this model as well as ensure that the content exactly meets your needs. The best part? These courses also count for CIP CEUs. You can find more information on AIIM's Private Courses here or you can contact me at jwilkins@aiim.org.
Share Your Story
As a CIP, I want to know what you're doing and how you're doing it. If you have a story to share, an article you think would be of interest to other CIPs, or even just want to tell your CIP story, send me a note at jwilkins@aiim.org. I can help you write it if needed, and we'll make sure it gets in the next newsletter.
Key POCs
You have questions? We have answers. Here's where to get AIIM-related information:
- For questions about your CIP status, CEU status, or general questions about CIP - Me! jwilkins@aiim.org
- For questions about AIIM training - Maureen Hearn, mhearn@aiim.org
- US/areas outside of Europe: Michelle Clark, mturner@aiim.org
- Europe: Angela Hymas, ahymas@aiim.org
- For questions about Professional membership – Jessica Lombardo, jlombardo@aiim.org
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