January 12, 2024

Tracking Your CEUs - and a CEUs Tracker

If you have a formal certification, you know you need to maintain and renew it regularly. Sure, you could retake the test again every X years - but most people don't want to do that, and it's often cheaper to renew via continuing education (CEUs) compared to retaking the test. 

If you have multiple certifications, it becomes even more important to track things because, on the one hand, some events may qualify for more than one certification's CEUs, and on the other hand, some events are likely to be very specific to a particular certification, or to not qualify for every certification you hold. 

Finally, I like keeping my own tracker in case there are any questions when it's time to renew. I can pull up the tracker and see what I did, when I did it, what proof I have, and even when I submitted it. 

Like many certified professionals, I track my CEUs in about as old-fashioned a way as there is: a spreadsheet. I do this on an ongoing basis so I can be confident that I didn't miss anything. I thought I'd share my tracker spreadsheet in case anyone else is interested in using it. I also built a tab called "Instructions" that explains what I put in each tab and why. 

You can view or download my tracker at https://athroconsulting.box.com/shared/static/wbyevgvtyfk4tbcxuyswp0wu3nl6oy7l.xlsx - clicking the link will automatically download the tracker. 

1 comment:

Katie Voldal said...

Wow, thanks so much, it is an absolute necessity to maintain the certifications you worked so hard for!