August 10, 2024

Information Professional-related Training Courses, August 1 - October 31, 2024

Here are all the training courses I was able to find that I think are relevant to most information professionals for the period covering August 1 (well, August 10) - October 31, 2024.  

As noted in the individual links, I have nothing to do with any of these courses except any Athro Consulting ones. Moreover, since these are from all over the world, and a mix of in-person, hybrid, and live online, please check with the individual course provider for any additional details such as start times, time zones, costs, etc. 

If I missed a course, or a provider, that you think should be added, please reach out to me at and I'll definitely get them added. Similarly, if you find any errors, let me know and I'll correct them.

 If the course is self-paced, or focused on a particular solution, e.g., Microsoft Purview, I will only add those via sponsored posts, but again, drop me a note if that's of interest. 

Total number of courses listed: 156

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