July 28, 2016

The Value of the CIP - to the Company

The value of certification is often described from the perspective of the individual and how the certification will benefit the individual. But what about the organization – what is the value to a particular organization of hiring Certified Information Professionals (CIPs) or developing them internally?

CIPs reflect a more integrated, more holistic view of information management. Changes in one process, technology, or practice invariably affect others in the organization. CIPs are able to see the forest and the trees and understand and plan for these outcomes. Because of this, CIPs will identify and understand changes that could cause compliance issues, thereby reducing liability.

Organizations that manage their information more effectively enjoy reduced costs, faster time to market, increased revenues and cash flow, and increased business agility. CIPs are uniquely positioned to help organizations achieve these benefits because they understand the interactions between different information-intensive processes and activities.

At the same time, the CIP was built on industry standards, guidelines, and accepted best practices. CIPs are not just winging it or reinventing the wheel – they bring and use techniques that have been developed, revised, and improved upon by many others in the industry.

These techniques are not specific to a particular industry, work process, or technology solution; rather, they are broadly applicable across industries and technologies. CIPs understand how to leverage these standards and practices – and how to tailor them to meet the particular needs of their organization.

In the case of new hires, research has shown that certified individuals hit the ground running. A 2015 study by CompTIA found that 90% of employers believe IT certifications enable employees to learn faster once starting a job. Reducing onboarding time can reduce specific project costs as well as the overall cost to hire and train staff.

CIPs bring to their organizations a foundational base of knowledge that covers all aspects of information management. This means they will already be familiar with information-related processes and issues that are common to different types of organizations. Similarly, internal staff who complete the CIP process will demonstrate that they understand information management issues beyond just their narrow work process.

The CIP program provides a shared understanding and vocabulary, based on industry guidelines and good practices. CIPs will be able to communicate more consistently and effectively across process areas and bridge the gaps between information management, legal, IT, and specific business units. This also means that CIPs will be able to identify and resolve issues faster because of that shared language and shared understanding.

CIPs demonstrate a commitment to their own professional development. This means that as new developments occur in their industries, in technologies, and in processes, CIPs will be well-positioned to address and leverage them on behalf of their organizations. 

The CIP program itself was developed by AIIM, a global industry association dedicated to information management best practices. Since 1943 AIIM has been at the forefront of effective information management – developing standards, delivering educational events and content, and conducting research.

Organizations who hire or train CIPs can be confident that CIPs demonstrate the breadth and depth of knowledge required to effectively develop, manage, and support information-intensive processes throughout their organizations.

Note: also posted on the AIIM CIP website at http://www.aiim.org/cip.

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