March 1, 2022

Blog Recommendation: Karl Melrose

I've decided to start calling out good blogs and introducing them to my audience. Most of them are good enough that when I see new posts from them, I stop what I'm doing to read or at least load them in a browser tab. 

Some are written by end users, some by consultants, and some by vendors, but what they all have in common is that they are educational, not self-promoting, and that they are reasonably regular in their posting schedules.

On that first point, a little self-aggrandizement is not such a bad thing - in moderation - but I'm not going to link to blogs that tout "XYZ Solution" or "The Patented ABC Methodology" or that are written to lead you to their services. If you want to find those on your own, enjoy...?

So. The first one I want to highlight is Karl Melrose and his Meta-IRM Substack. As he notes in his About page, 

This blog started life as my attempt to understand the significant questions I had about information and records management.

I still have questions, but I also have a point of view now about what has gone wrong for records management.

This blog is about those questions, and that point of view.

His posts are generally short and to the point, and always provoke thought. Visit Karl's blog at

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